How Can They Be So Unconscionably in Denial?
The US government is trying to get the UN to weaken their stance on global warming. They want strong, goal-oriented points on the agenda for the next G8 meeting removed, and replaced with one slack-jawed ignoramus of a sentence. See here:
Unfuckingbelievable. I know Canada isn't doing much better right now, when it comes to direct initiatives for battling climate change, but COME ON! The US needs to stop trying to bully everyone else around, stop whining about how much money they're going to lose, and GET ON BOARD. "Things" are much bigger than you, George Bush; bigger than even the White House, or Washington, or the US... we're talking about the future of the PLANET EARTH. As a whole.
Man, I sound like Peter Petrelli right now.
Labels: energy, environment, government, news, rant, United Nations, USA
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