Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Book Club, Pancakes and Printer

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Last night was book club. It was good. We watched "The Big Sleep", and I was hoping the movie would make the plot a bit less confusing, but no. I enjoyed the book, because I like the writing of Chandler Raymond, but the storyline was very confusing, so many characters, murders, guns. But it was cool. The original cool.

My favourite are the metaphors: "Ohls looked at him silently, his pale eyebrows bristling and stiff and round like the little vegetable brushes the Fuller Brush man gives away." Tee hee!

022007_ 014And today was Shrove Tuesday... the best excuse to eat breakfast for dinner. I had some pancakes, but I burnt the first one cause it took me so long to get my camera ready. Probably for the best!

I also managed to get my new printer home last night (my muss-cles hurt), and hooked her up to the laptop. It's pretty sweet. And it was such a deal! The printer goes for close to $500 on ebay... with my employee referral for getting Kylie (the new lister) hired, it was free!
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