21 Questions
ONE. Spell your name without vowels? KRMRGGNCTWO. What is the date day after your birthday? August 23rd
THREE. What is your least favorite type of music? Gangsta Rap
FOUR. What color do you wear most? Purple
FIVE. Whats your least favorite color? Blue
SIX. Last song you heard? Demon Days- Gorrilaz
SEVEN. Whats for dinner tonight? Something from Fiddler's Green pub
EIGHT. Are you happy with your life right now? Meh- I wish I had someone to make out with.
NINE. Has anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity? Not that I can remember.
TEN. In what state or country do you want to go to college? Been there, done that.
ELEVEN. Do you shop at stores like Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch? Hollister is sickening. So, no.
TWELVE. How do you make money? Selling cameras online.
THIRTEEN. How old is your youngest sibling if any? That's me. 28.
FOURTEEN. When do you start Summer Break? August 3rd, 12pm noon, when I get Long Point Provincial Park.
SIXTEEN. One word to describe you? girlnextdoor
SEVENTEEN. Favorite pair of shoes? Airwalk Flip Flops
EIGHTEEN. do you own big sunglasses? Not big, but dark. Prescription.
NINETEEN. What would you rather be doing right now? Sleeping
TWENTY. What should you be doing right now? Testing cameras.
TWENTY ONE. Is there someone you want to be with right now? Nope, nada, uh uh. Where are all the cute, intelligent boys?!?!?!?
K- your turn!
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