Friday, December 09, 2005

Holiday Subway Party

I didn't know what to expect when we went to the subway party, and wasn't totally convinced that I wanted to go. After all, at the time we were leaving the house I was normally in bed (watching King of the Hill)! I told myself I'd ride the train from Kipling to Bathurst and then hop off and head home.

However, when we got to Kipling, there was a tonne of people, and a good vibe in the air. James said it reminded him of old-school raves, when the focus was the good spirit and happiness of everyone there. We boarded the train at 11:11pm, and within seconds (I'm not even exagerating), the car was decorated and presents were being handed out! There were chocolates being passed around and LOTS of cameras (I'm sure a search on Flickr will result in thousands of images- including 50 of my own). There was a guy filming for The Hour, and he interviewed us (I hope I'm not on the show, I looked awful!)

You'll see James in a billion pictures, as he was really the life of the party (as per the usual). It's a good thing he brought his drum, as he was one of the sole providers of music. There was also a someone with a wooden pan flute type of instrument and couple whistles. And of course we sang some good ole' Christmas carols!!